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FBLA impact on college apps

Hey there! I'm considering joining the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) at my school, and I'm wondering if it'll look good on my college apps. Has anyone had experience with FBLA and whether or not it helped with their admissions in any way?

a year ago

Hi there! Joining the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) can definitely be a positive addition to your college applications, especially if you're interested in business or a related field. However, just being a member might not make a significant impact unless you're actively involved and hold leadership positions.

Participating in FBLA can provide you with valuable experiences and skills, such as teamwork, networking, public speaking, and problem-solving. These types of abilities are highly valued by colleges and will certainly strengthen your application.

However, to really make the most out of your FBLA membership, consider taking on leadership roles, attending conferences and competitions, or spearheading initiatives and service projects to demonstrate your commitment and dedication to the organization.

For example, if you were to hold an executive position in your FBLA chapter, such as president or treasurer, this would be considered a Tier 2 or Tier 3 extracurricular activity, which is more impressive from the perspective of college admissions officers. For more on the 4 Tiers of Extracurricular Activities, check out this CollegeVine article:

If the club experiences significant success under your leadership, such as winning state or national competitions, that would further boost the impact of your involvement in FBLA.

Ultimately, your involvement in FBLA is what you make of it. Focus on being an active member, pursuing leadership opportunities, and making meaningful contributions to the organization. This way, your membership in FBLA will not only be a positive addition to your college applications but also help you develop important life skills that will benefit you throughout your personal and professional life. Good luck!

a year ago

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