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Full tuition merit-based scholarships, anyone?

So, I've been searching for scholarships, and I'm primarily interested in full-tuition merit-based ones. Do any of you know any specific colleges or organizations that offer these types of scholarships? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hello! You're on the right track looking for full-tuition merit-based scholarships, as they can significantly help in funding your college education. There are quite a few colleges and organizations that offer these, and I'll list a few examples below:

1. University of Alabama: They offer several merit-based scholarships, including the Presidential Scholar and the UA Scholar, which provide at least full tuition coverage for eligible students. You can find more information at their scholarships page:

2. Boston University: The Trustee Scholarship at Boston University is a full-tuition scholarship awarded based on academic excellence, leadership, and community engagement. You can find details here:

3. Tulane University: The full-tuition Paul Tulane Award and Dean's Honor Scholarship are given based on academic achievement, leadership, and community service. Information can be found on their website:

4. Florida State University: The Presidential Scholars Program offers a full-tuition scholarship combined with a range of other benefits (academic enrichment funds, study abroad opportunities, etc.). More info can be found at:

Aside from college-specific scholarships, there are also various national merit-based scholarships that provide full tuition or significant financial support. Some examples include:

1. Coca-Cola Scholars Program: Offers 150 college scholarships worth $20,000 each. More information can be found here:

2. National Merit Scholarship Program: If you score high on the PSAT, you could qualify for National Merit Scholarships, which often provide full-tuition coverage at various colleges. Learn more at their website:

3. Jack Kent Cooke Foundation's College Scholarship: Offers scholarships up to $40,000 per year for high-achieving students with financial need. More information at:

Keep in mind that these examples are only a starting point. Make sure to research each college you're interested in and visit their financial aid or scholarships page to find merit-based scholarship opportunities. Additionally, you can use online scholarship databases (like CollegeVine's Scholarship Search) to find more external scholarships that match your profile. Best of luck in your search!

a year ago

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