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Business Administration difficulty

Hi all, I'm interested in majoring in Business Administration, but I'm curious about how challenging it is. Can anyone who's pursued this major share their opinions on the difficulty level and workload? Thanks!

a year ago

Hello! Pursuing a Business Administration major can be an exciting and rewarding choice. The difficulty level and workload may vary based on your interests, strengths, and the specific program at your chosen college. However, here's a general overview of what you might expect:

1. Coursework: Business Administration majors often encounter a mix of business, economics, finance, marketing, and management courses. Coming from diverse backgrounds, some students may find the quantitative courses (like finance and economics) to be challenging, while others might struggle more with qualitative subjects (like marketing and management). But with hard work, dedication, and good study habits, it is definitely manageable.

2. Workload: The workload will generally be in line with what you'd find in other majors. You'll likely have regular assignments, projects, and exams, as well as group work and case study analyses. Time management and organizational skills are key to handling the workload effectively.

3. Opportunities: One of the advantages of a Business Administration major is the wide array of opportunities it provides. This major can prepare you for a diverse range of careers, from finance and consulting to entrepreneurship and non-profit management. Many business schools also have strong connections with the industry, which can lead to valuable internships, networking opportunities, and job placements.

In conclusion, while the challenge of a Business Administration major might seem daunting, the skills and opportunities it presents are worth the effort. Success in this major largely depends on your aptitude for business-related coursework, your ability to manage your time effectively, and your willingness to engage with the learning process. Best of luck!

a year ago

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