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Summer Biology Internships: Any recommendations?

Hi all, I'm a junior looking for a biology internship for the upcoming summer to boost my college applications. Can anyone suggest some reputable programs to apply to or share their experiences with any biology-related internships they've done? Thanks!

8 months ago

Hi there! It's fantastic that you're considering incorporating a biology internship into your college applications. Participating in an internship both gives you valuable hands-on experience and helps demonstrate your passion and commitment to the field of biology.

Here are a few reputable programs you can consider applying to:

1. Research Science Institute (RSI) - RSI is a highly competitive, six-week summer research program that offers research opportunities in a variety of STEM fields. Participants are typically paired with a mentor and work on projects at leading research institutions.

2. Boston University Research in Science & Engineering (RISE) - This program allows rising seniors to work in research labs at Boston University for six weeks during the summer. Students are matched with mentors and gain exposure to cutting-edge research in the life sciences field.

3. Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program (SIMR) - SIMR is an eight-week summer research program in which high school students work with Stanford faculty and research staff on biomedical research projects. This program focuses on various fields, including biology, but also covers areas like chemistry, bioengineering, and data science.

4. Rockefeller University Summer Science Research Program (SSRP) - This program, based in New York City, is a seven-week summer research opportunity for high school students. Participants work on research projects side by side with leading scientists at the university.

These are just a few examples, but there are many other programs and internships available. If you're interested in opportunities closer to home, consider reaching out to local universities, research institutes, or biotechnology companies, as they may offer summer internships for high school students. You can also discuss your search with your school's guidance counselor or science teachers, who may have more information on available internships or research opportunities in your area.

Finally, check out CollegeVine's blog post on biology-related summer internships and programs: https://blog.collegevine.com/biology-internships-for-high-school-students. Good luck in your search, and I hope you find a fantastic biology internship for the summer!

8 months ago

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