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Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

How do I cancel my NSHSS membership?

I joined the National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS), but I've read that it's not really worth it. What's the process to cancel my NSHSS membership? Has anyone here done it before?

8 months ago

To cancel your NSHSS membership, I would recommend reaching out to NSHSS directly. You can contact their customer support through the following methods:

1. Email: You can send an email to support@nshss.org explaining that you want to cancel your membership. Be sure to include your full name and any relevant membership information in the email.

2. Phone: You can call their customer support at (866) 343-1800 (toll-free within the US) or +1 (678) 207-6100 (international) to speak with a representative about canceling your membership.

3. Contact Form: You can also use the contact form on their website (nshss.org/contact-us) to address your request. Fill out the form with your information and mention that you want to cancel your membership.

Keep in mind that there may not be a formal "cancellation" process if you've already paid the membership fee. You're mainly notifying them that you will no longer be participating in NSHSS events or activities.

8 months ago

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