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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Columbia Transfer Acceptance Rate?

Hey guys, does anyone know the acceptance rate for transferring to Columbia? I'm considering applying as a transfer from my current school and wanted to get an idea of how competitive it is. Thanks!

8 months ago

Hello! Transfer acceptance rates at highly selective colleges like Columbia are generally higher than those of first-year applicants, but not by much. While Columbia's first-year acceptance rate is usually around 5-6%, the transfer acceptance rate is roughly around 6-7%. However, don't be discouraged by these numbers - your chances of being accepted as a transfer student also depend on the strength of your application and how well you've performed at your current school.

Make sure to maintain a strong GPA, showcase your continued involvement in extracurricular activities, and tailor your application essays to explain how transferring to Columbia aligns with your academic and personal goals. Having strong reasons for transferring and demonstrating a clear understanding of how Columbia can help you achieve your objectives could contribute positively to your application. Good luck with the process!

8 months ago

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