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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does an 89.5 round up to a 90?

Hey guys, just wanted to ask if colleges typically round up a grade like an 89.5 to a 90? Would it be considered an A- or a B+ and does it still count as a 4.0?

8 months ago

Hello! While grading scales may vary slightly depending on the high school or college, most institutions tend to round up grades following standard rounding rules, meaning that an 89.5 would round up to a 90. However, it's essential to check with your specific school to confirm their grading policy.

As for whether an 89.5 (or a rounded-up 90) would be considered an A- or a B+, it generally depends on the grading scale used by your school. A common grading scale might consider a 90-92 as an A-, which would correspond to a 3.7 on a 4.0 scale, while an 87-89 may be categorized as a B+, which would typically be a 3.3 on a 4.0 scale. If your 89.5 is rounded up to a 90, it would likely be considered an A-. However, again, it's crucial to consult your school's specific grading policies.

As for whether an A- would count as a 4.0, the answer is no, because an A- typically corresponds to a 3.7 on a 4.0 scale, whereas an A (93-96) or an A+ (97-100) would constitute a 4.0. It's essential to remember that colleges will usually consider your unweighted and weighted GPA in the admissions process and assess how rigorous your course load was throughout high school. They will also be familiar with your high school's specific grading system.

8 months ago

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