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Is writing a book impressive to colleges?

Hey everyone, I'm currently in the process of writing a book, and I'm curious if that would look good on college applications? Would admissions officers be impressed by this? Thanks!

a year ago

Writing a book can indeed be impressive to colleges, especially if it showcases your passion, dedication, and commitment to a particular subject or interest. Keep in mind that it's not just about the fact that you've written a book, but also the content, your writing process, and your motivation behind it. These aspects can provide valuable insight into your personality, work ethic, and intellectual curiosity.

That being said, the level of impressiveness depends on the quality and scope of the book. A well-researched, substantial work on a niche topic would likely be more impressive than a hastily written, generic novel. Additionally, any recognition or awards the book receives, such as being published or receiving positive reviews, could further boost its value on your college application.

It's also a good idea to consider how the book ties into your overall application, including your academic interests, extracurricular activities, and intended major. If the book is closely related to your chosen field of study or demonstrates a potential spike in your application, it may carry more weight.

In summary, while writing a book can be an impressive element to your college application, it's important to emphasize the quality, thoughtfulness, and motivation behind it. Connecting the book to your overall application and showcasing your passion will maximize its impact on admissions officers. Good luck with your writing and college application journey!

a year ago

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