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How can I find BS/MD programs near my location?

Hey guys, I was just wondering how I can find some BS/MD programs near me. I'm not familiar with any resources that could help me find such programs. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Thanks!

8 months ago

Hello! It's great that you're interested in BS/MD programs. To find programs near your location, you can start by searching for well-known BS/MD program lists and databases. These resources will provide a comprehensive list of programs and might have additional filtering options that allow you to search by location or region.

One such resource is the CollegeVine BS/MD guide, which provides a comprehensive list of BS/MD programs across the United States. You can use this guide to see which schools offer the program and learn more about their particular requirements and features, such as program length and admissions criteria. Link: https://blog.collegevine.com/a-complete-list-of-all-bs-md-programs

Another option is to simply use Google and type in 'BS/MD programs near [your city/town/state]'. You can replace the brackets with your actual location. This should bring up results for local and regional universities or medical schools that offer these programs.

Additionally, you can visit the websites of universities and medical schools in your region and check their admissions sections to see if they offer a BS/MD program. Some schools may have a dedicated page or section about their specific BS/MD program, which could provide valuable information on program length, prerequisites, and requirements.

Lastly, you could reach out to your high school counselor or a trusted teacher for guidance. They might be familiar with regional programs and can offer personalized suggestions based on your interests and goals.

Good luck in your search for suitable BS/MD programs!

8 months ago

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