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Scholarships for National Merit Scholars

Hi all, I've recently been named a National Merit Semifinalist, and I know there are some scholarships related to this program. Can anyone help me understand which scholarships I might be eligible for and how to apply for them?

a year ago

Congratulations on becoming a National Merit Semifinalist! There are a few types of scholarships tied to the National Merit Scholarship Program that you should be aware of:

1. National Merit Scholarships: These are sponsored by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) itself. To compete for these $2,500 scholarships, you need to advance to the finalist stage. The NMSC will provide guidelines for semifinalists to submit materials, such as an application, essay, recommendation, and information about your extracurriculars. Finalist selection is based on a combination of academic performance, test scores, extracurriculars, and your submitted materials.

2. Corporate-sponsored Merit Scholarships: These scholarships are sponsored by various corporations and are awarded to National Merit Finalists based on certain criteria. Some may require that you are a child of the company's employee, while others may look for finalists interested in a specific career path. You will indicate your interest in these scholarships on the National Merit Scholarship Application.

3. College-sponsored Merit Scholarships: Many colleges and universities sponsor Merit Scholarships for finalists who list them as their first-choice school. The amount and conditions of these scholarships can vary widely. It's essential to research the specific colleges you are interested in attending and contact their financial aid offices for more information. Make sure to declare the college as your first choice by the NMSC's deadline to be considered.

Remember, the first step to becoming eligible for these scholarships is to become a finalist. Keep an eye out for communication from the NMSC, and be diligent in submitting the required application and materials on time. Once you advance to the finalist stage, you'll automatically be considered for the National Merit Scholarship, and you can apply for corporate-sponsored scholarships through their respective channels. For college-sponsored Merit Scholarships, remember to list your desired school as your first choice.

Good luck with your scholarship search, and once again, congratulations on your achievement!

a year ago

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