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Coming up with interesting research topics for essays

Hey everyone, I have to write an essay for one of my college applications and I'm having a tough time coming up with research topics that would make my essay stand out. Any ideas on how to brainstorm interesting research topics that are also relevant to my interests? This is harder than I thought it'd be.

a year ago

Hello! Brainstorming unique and interesting research topics can indeed be challenging, but it's also an opportunity for you to showcase your creativity and passion. Here's a step-by-step plan to help you generate some captivating ideas for your essay:

1. Identify your interests: Make a list of subjects or fields you're passionate about. These could be related to your major or extracurricular activities, or even hobbies and personal experiences.

2. Research current events: Look for recent news or developments in the areas you've listed. Investigating current issues ensures your topic is timely and relevant, and it might inspire you with fresh ideas.

3. Seek interdisciplinary connections: Explore the intersection between two or more of your interests. Combining different fields often results in innovative perspectives and intriguing research questions.

4. Look for real-world applications: Think about how the topics you're considering could have a practical, social, or environmental impact. People often find such topics more engaging and meaningful.

5. Consult others: Discuss your ideas with friends, teachers, or family members. They might have unique insights or suggestions that can help you refine your topic.

6. Narrow it down: Once you have some ideas, focus on those that are most distinctive and exciting to you. It's essential to choose a topic that genuinely sparks your curiosity, as your enthusiasm will shine through in your writing.

Remember that the most successful essays are often those that reveal something unexpected or personal about the applicant. Make sure your chosen research topic showcases your individuality and allows you to demonstrate your analytical and problem-solving skills. Good luck!

a year ago

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