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Georgia Tech prompts for applicants?

Hey everybody! I'm a junior looking to apply to Georgia Tech next year, and I was wondering if anyone knows the current Georgia Tech essay prompts for the application? I'd like to start brainstorming and drafting some ideas. Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hello! Georgia Tech releases their essay prompts for the upcoming admission cycle in the summer. So, the prompts for next year's application are not available yet. However, looking at the prompts from the previous application cycle can give you an idea of what to expect. Last year, there was only one prompt:

1. Why do you want to study your chosen major specifically at Georgia Tech? (max 300 words)

Please note that this prompts might change for the upcoming application cycle, so pay close attention to Georgia Tech's website when they release the new prompts. However, you can start brainstorming based on these previous prompts and think about your experiences and interests that you'd like to highlight. Good luck with your college preparations!

a year ago

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