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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
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Thoughts on Controversial Topics for College Essays?

Is it a good idea to write about a controversial topic for my college essay? Would it help me stand out or is it too risky?

8 months ago

Writing about a controversial topic can be risky, but it can also differentiate you from other applicants if done thoughtfully and responsibly. It's important to remember that college admissions officers are looking for insight into your personality and values. When writing about a controversial topic, focus on your personal experience, why it matters to you, and how it has shaped your perspective.

To navigate this territory, keep in mind a few guidelines:

1. Avoid inflammatory language: Even if you strongly believe in your stance, maintain a respectful tone that acknowledges differing opinions.

2. Showcase your intellectual curiosity: Express your willingness to consider multiple perspectives by demonstrating critical thinking and openness to learning.

3. Connect the topic to your personal growth: Use your essay to showcase how engaging with the topic has contributed to your development, rather than just arguing for your position.

4. Be true to yourself: It's essential to be genuine in your essay, so only choose a controversial topic that truly resonates with your values and experiences.

Overall, it's possible to write a successful college essay that addresses a controversial topic. However, focus on your personal journey and growth rather than the controversy itself. If you're unsure about your topic, consider seeking feedback from a trusted teacher or counselor to ensure it is a strong choice for your application.

8 months ago

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