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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Best questions to ask an admission officer

Hey everyone! I have a chance to talk to an admission officer from one of my top-choice schools. What are some essential questions that I should be asking? I want to show genuine interest and make a good impression.

a year ago

It's fantastic that you have the opportunity to speak with an admissions officer from your top-choice school! Asking thoughtful questions can definitely help you stand out and demonstrate your genuine interest in the college. Here are a few suggestions for questions that can lead to meaningful conversations:

1. What qualities does the school look for in an ideal applicant, or what characteristics make a student successful on campus? This can help you understand what traits and experiences you should emphasize in your application.

2. What are some unique or lesser-known aspects/programs of the school that you personally find interesting or compelling? This not only shows that you have done your research but also allows you to dig deeper and gain a better understanding of the college's culture and opportunities.

3. How would you describe the campus community and the relationships between students, faculty, and administration? This gives an insight into the social dynamics and support structure within the school.

4. Are there any internship, study abroad, or research opportunities that the school is particularly proud of? This helps you identify opportunities that align with your interests and demonstrate your enthusiasm to engage with those experiences in your application.

5. What are the popular traditions or events on campus that students typically look forward to each year? Asking this question paints a picture of the student life and social atmosphere outside the classroom.

6. How does the college support students in their academic and career pursuits, such as advising, tutoring, or job placement programs? Understanding the resources available can help you make a more informed decision about your fit with the institution.

7. Could you share more about the typical freshman experience, such as orientation, housing, or course registration? This question shows you're thinking ahead about acclimating to college life.

Remember to tailor your questions to your specific interests and the school itself. This demonstrates your genuine curiosity and investment in your education. Good luck!

a year ago

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