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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What is a Need Aware College?

Hi guys, I've come across the term 'need aware' while researching colleges, but I'm not exactly sure what it means. Can someone explain it to me and provide me with a list of colleges that follow a need-aware admissions policy? Thanks!

8 months ago

Hello! 'Need aware' is a term used to describe a college's admissions policy when it comes to considering an applicant's financial need. A need-aware college considers an applicant's financial situation when making their admission decisions. This means that the ability to pay for college can potentially influence whether or not a student is admitted.

Need-aware colleges contrast with 'need-blind' colleges, which do not take into account an applicant's financial situation at all during the admission process.

It's important to note that being need-aware doesn't mean a college is less committed to offering financial aid. Many need-aware colleges still offer generous financial aid packages to students they admit, but they may limit the number of aid applicants they accept to ensure they can support those students adequately.

As for a list of need-aware colleges, it's difficult to provide a comprehensive list, as policies can vary and change over time. However, some examples of need-aware institutions include American University, Boston University, George Washington University, and New York University.

I recommend double-checking the financial aid policies of each institution you're interested in, as this information is often available on their websites or through direct contact with their admissions offices. Good luck with your college search!

To learn more about these schools, read this blog post: https://blog.collegevine.com/financial-aid-need-blind-vs-need-aware-admissions/

8 months ago

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