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Hidden Ivies - What are they?

I've been hearing a lot about 'hidden ivies' lately. Can anyone explain what this term means and which schools are considered as such? I'm curious to know my options for applying!

a year ago

Hidden Ivies is a term used to describe colleges and universities in the United States that are not part of the traditional Ivy League but still provide an exceptional education and similar campus experience. These schools are often highly selective and well-regarded, and their students tend to achieve academic and professional success. The term was popularized by the book "Hidden Ivies: 63 of America's Top Liberal Arts Colleges and Universities," written by Howard Greene and Matthew W. Greene.

Some examples of "hidden ivies" include (but are not limited to) schools like Amherst College, Bowdoin College, Carleton College, and Williams College among liberal arts colleges, and universities such as Duke University, Vanderbilt University, and Rice University. It's important to note that the list may vary depending on the source, as there is no official definition or quota for schools that fall into this category. Additionally, some hidden Ivies focus on certain areas or programs, so you might want to consider that when researching colleges.

While these schools offer an Ivy League-like experience, they can also provide other benefits such as smaller class sizes and personalized attention due to a lower student-to-faculty ratio. When applying to colleges, make sure to explore a wide range of options, including both traditional Ivy League schools and hidden Ivies, to find the best fit for your academic and personal growth.

a year ago

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