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How do homeschoolers participate in extracurriculars?

Hi! I'm a homeschooled junior, and I've been wondering about what extracurricular activities are available to homeschoolers like myself. Any advice or resources would be really helpful, thanks!

8 months ago

Hi there! Homeschoolers have a variety of options when it comes to participating in extracurricular activities. Here are some ideas for you to consider:

1. Community involvement: Look for local clubs and organizations in your area that cater to your interests. This could include anything from volunteering at a local animal shelter, joining a community choir or theater group, participating in local sports teams or clubs, or attending workshops at a nearby library or community center.

2. Co-ops and homeschool associations: Many areas have homeschool co-ops or associations that provide opportunities for group learning, field trips, and socialization. Joining one of these groups can help you meet other homeschoolers and participate in extracurricular activities together.

3. Online clubs and communities: The internet offers a wealth of resources for homeschoolers, including online clubs, forums, and communities where you can connect with other students and participate in activities based on your interests.

4. Local schools: Some public and private schools allow homeschoolers to participate in extracurricular activities alongside their enrolled students. Reach out to local schools in your area to explore what opportunities might be available to you. This could include sports teams, clubs, or even taking a specific class at the school, depending on their policies.

5. College or university programs: Many colleges and universities offer pre-college programs, summer camps, or workshops that cater to a wide range of interests. Additionally, you can enroll in community college courses to supplement your homeschool curriculum and potentially participate in clubs and extracurricular activities on campus.

6. Start your own club or activity: If you're passionate about a particular subject or hobby and can't find an existing club or organization to join, consider starting your own! This can be an excellent way to pursue your interests, develop leadership skills, and meet other like-minded students.

To find resources and opportunities in your area, check out local homeschooling Facebook groups, online forums, or ask other homeschool families you know. Good luck in your pursuit of extracurricular activities, and keep exploring your interests!

8 months ago

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