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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Looking for scholarships for D3 athletes

Hi guys, I'm a junior planning to play college sports at the Division III level and was wondering if there are any scholarships available specifically for D3 athletes. Any help would be appreciated!

8 months ago

Hi there! It's great that you're interested in competing at the Division III level in college. While NCAA Division III schools do not offer athletic scholarships like Division I and II schools do, you can still find scholarships through other means.

First, I would recommend researching the specific colleges you are interested in attending. Many schools offer merit-based and need-based financial aid that is not directly tied to your athletic ability but could still help reduce the cost of attendance. In addition, some colleges might have scholarships available specifically for students involved in athletics, even if they're not labeled as such.

Next, you could explore outside scholarships that are not directly linked to a specific school. These can be offered by a variety of organizations, including local community organizations, national foundations, and businesses. Many scholarships have eligibility requirements based on factors such as academic achievement, community involvement, or your intended major. Some scholarships may place an emphasis on leadership or character, and being a dedicated athlete can help demonstrate both of these qualities.

Lastly, don't forget about grants! Federal grants, like the Pell Grant, are another source of financial assistance for college students based on financial need. Filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is an important step to qualify for federal grants and other financial aid opportunities.

Remember that earning non-athletic scholarships can still greatly impact your ability to pay for college and participate in D3 athletics. Keep an eye out for opportunities, and don't be afraid to apply to several scholarships, as every little bit helps. Good luck!

8 months ago

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