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Does UVA require mid-year report?

As a high school junior, I'm looking into the application process for UVA. Does UVA require a mid-year report? And if so, how significant is its impact on admissions decisions?

a year ago

Yes, the University of Virginia (UVA) does require a mid-year report as part of its application process. The mid-year report includes your first semester or second quarter grades from your senior year. It generally becomes available in January, and your high school counselor will be responsible for submitting it through the Common Application or Coalition Application platform.

The impact of the mid-year report varies from applicant to applicant, but overall, it plays a noteworthy role in the admissions process. Since it provides UVA with an updated academic record, the mid-year report:

1. Offers insight into your academic progress and consistency throughout high school, including any improvements or areas of growth during your senior year.

2. Helps validate your GPA and course rigor from previous years, which enables the admissions committee to compare your performance to other applicants.

3. Demonstrates your commitment to maintaining a strong academic record even after submitting your initial application.

UVA, like many other universities, conducts a holistic review of your application, meaning it considers several factors, including your test scores (if you choose to submit them), letters of recommendation, extracurricular involvement, essays, and academic record. While your mid-year report is an important piece of the puzzle, it is not the sole determining factor for an admissions decision. However, consistently strong grades and course rigor during your senior year can only help, so keep up the good work!

a year ago

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