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Dual Enrollment Classes Weighting

Hey guys! So, I'm curious about how dual enrollment classes are weighted when calculating my high school GPA. Are they considered the same as AP, IB, or honors classes? I'd appreciate any insights!

8 months ago

Hey there! Dual enrollment courses are viewed a bit differently than AP, IB, or honors classes when it comes to calculating GPA. However, the way dual enrollment classes are weighted can vary depending on your high school's policies.

Generally speaking, dual enrollment courses are college-level courses taught at either a high school or local college or university. As a result, they tend to be viewed as rigorous, similar to AP and IB classes. However, unlike AP or IB classes, dual enrollment courses don't have a standardized curriculum or exam. Because of this, some high schools may weigh them differently on your GPA scale.

Some high schools might weight dual enrollment courses on par with AP and IB classes, while others may weight them similarly to honors courses. It's important to check with your high school counselor to see how your particular school handles dual enrollment classes when calculating your GPA.

Regardless of the specific weighting, it's important to remember that colleges value students challenging themselves academically. By taking dual enrollment courses, you are demonstrating your dedication to learning and your willingness to take on more advanced coursework, which can make you a more attractive applicant to colleges. So even if they're not weighed exactly the same as AP, IB, or honors classes, dual enrollment courses can still be a big plus on your high school transcript.

Good luck with your classes!

8 months ago

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