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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does GWU track demonstrated interest?

Hey all! I'm seriously considering applying to GWU, and I was wondering whether they track demonstrated interest. If so, what are some ways to show them I'm truly interested?

8 months ago

Yes, George Washington University (GWU) does track demonstrated interest. Demonstrated interest is when an applicant actively expresses genuine enthusiasm for a college by engaging with it in various ways. Here are some ways to show GWU your interest:

1. Campus visit: Touring the campus, attending an information session, or participating in an open house event helps you show interest and get a feel for the University.

2. Virtual events: Attend virtual events like webinars, info sessions, or online open houses. Since 202, many schools, including GWU, have been offering these online opportunities.

3. Connect with admissions representatives: Attend college fairs or regional events where GWU admissions representatives are present. Ask thoughtful questions and show genuine excitement.

4. Email communication: Engaging in meaningful conversations with GWU admissions officers or faculty via email can help you demonstrate interest. Ensure your emails are well written and professional.

5. Social media engagement: Follow GWU's social media accounts and interact with their posts occasionally.

6. Early Decision or Early Action application: Applying through these options sends a strong message about your level of interest in the University. Check which one suits you best and consider applying accordingly.

Remember, though demonstrating interest is important, it's crucial not to go overboard. Focus on maintaining a genuine and balanced approach when showing interest in GWU. Good luck!

8 months ago

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