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California scholarships for high school seniors?

Hi everyone, I'm a senior in California and I was wondering if anyone knows of any notable California-specific scholarships I should be looking into? I want to minimize my student loan debt and I'm making an effort to apply for as many scholarships as possible. Thanks!

8 months ago

Hello! It's great that you're being proactive about minimizing your student loans by applying for scholarships. In California, there are numerous scholarships available specifically for high school seniors. Here are a few notable ones you might want to explore:

1. Cal Grant: These are need-based grants provided by the state of California to students who plan on attending California State University, University of California, California Community Colleges, or qualifying independent and career colleges/vocational schools in the state. There are different types (A, B, and C), and the amount awarded varies based on the student's financial need and the type of school they plan to attend.

2. The California Strawberry Scholarship Program: This program is available to the children of strawberry farmworkers in California. Awards range from $500 to $5,000 for both four-year and two-year college programs.

3. California Association of Winegrape Growers (CAWG) Foundation Scholarships: The CAWG offers scholarships to California high school seniors whose parent or legal guardian is a vineyard employee. They award both two-year and four-year scholarships, depending on the student's educational path.

4. PFLAG South Orange County Scholarship: The PFLAG South Orange County Scholarship is open to high school seniors in Orange County, California, who identify as LGBTQIA+. Awards range between $1,000 and $2,500.

5. Southern California Mothers of Multiples Clubs, Inc. Scholarship: This scholarship is awarded to high school seniors in Southern California who are part of multiple births. The award is based on academic achievement, leadership, and community involvement.

Remember to start your scholarship search early and keep track of deadlines. Also, look out for local scholarships from organizations in your community; these scholarships may have less competition than statewide or national ones. Good luck on your scholarship search!

8 months ago

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