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Supplemental Essays at University of Maryland?

I'm starting my application process for University of Maryland. Do they track demonstrated interest like attending college visits, info sessions, and such? Asking so I can plan accordingly.

a year ago

The University of Maryland does not specifically track demonstrated interest in their admissions process. However, it's still a good idea to attend events such as college visits, info sessions, and open houses if you can, as these events can give you valuable information about the University, its programs, and culture, which will be helpful when you're completing your application.

Additionally, while demonstrated interest may not be a formal factor in admissions decisions, a genuine understanding of the school and a clear connection between your interests and what the University offers can strengthen the overall impression of your application. This can be especially important in your supplemental essays, where showing an authentic connection to the University can make your application stand out.

As for the University of Maryland's application, they typically require applicants to answer a few short supplemental essay questions. Be sure to research specific information about the University, its academic programs, extracurricular offerings, and any unique opportunities available to students when answering these prompts. By doing so, you can demonstrate your enthusiasm for the school and how well you'd fit in if admitted.

Also, check out this CollegeVine article for tips on writing the University of Maryland supplemental essays:

In summary, while demonstrated interest may not be a determining factor in admissions, attending events and learning more about the University of Maryland can help inform your application and make your supplemental essays more compelling.

a year ago

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