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Ivy League plus schools: What are they?

I've been seeing some references to 'Ivy League plus' schools lately. What are these schools, and how do they differ from Ivy League schools? Is it worth considering these schools in my college search? Thanks for any info!

8 months ago

'Ivy League plus' is an unofficial term used to describe a group of highly selective and prestigious U.S. colleges and universities that, in addition to the eight Ivy League institutions, are often considered to be equally academically rigorous and competitive.

These schools typically have strong academic programs, renowned faculty, state-of-the-art research facilities, and accomplished alumni networks. Some institutions often included under the 'Ivy League plus' umbrella are:

1. Stanford University

2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

3. University of Chicago

4. Duke University

5. Northwestern University

6. California Institute of Technology (Caltech)

7. Johns Hopkins University

Keep in mind that this classification is not officially recognized, and the list can vary depending on individual opinions. However, the primary difference between these schools and the Ivy League is that the latter refers to a specific athletic conference of eight elite institutions in the northeastern United States.

The eight Ivy League schools are:

1. Harvard University

2. Yale University

3. Princeton University

4. Columbia University

5. University of Pennsylvania

6. Brown University

7. Dartmouth College

8. Cornell University

Both Ivy League and 'Ivy League plus' schools are worth considering in your college search, since they offer excellent educational opportunities and can open doors to exciting career prospects. It's essential to research each school individually to determine if it suits your academic, social, and financial needs. Factors like size, location, campus culture, availability of majors, and extracurricular offerings should all play a crucial role in your decision-making process.

In summary, the term 'Ivy League plus' refers to prestigious and highly competitive institutions that, while not part of the Ivy League athletic conference, are often deemed equivalent in terms of academic rigor and opportunities.

Don't focus solely on this unofficial classification; instead, take the time to explore various colleges and universities to find the best fit for you, whether Ivy League, 'Ivy League plus,' or otherwise.

8 months ago

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