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Going to Harvard with a GED

Hey everyone, I decided to get my GED instead of finishing high school, but I have a strong academic background. What are my chances of getting into a top-tier university like Harvard with a GED? Has anyone here done it before?

8 months ago

Hello! While getting into a top-tier university like Harvard with a GED can be more challenging than with a traditional high school diploma, it is still possible. Harvard does accept students with GEDs, but you'll need to demonstrate your academic strength in other ways to stand out among the highly competitive applicant pool.

To improve your chances, focus on the following areas:

1. Standardized Test Scores: High scores on the ACT or SAT can help offset the fact that you have a GED rather than a high school diploma. Aim for scores in the top percentiles to show that you're academically prepared for Harvard's rigorous curriculum.

2. College-Level Coursework: Consider taking college-level classes through a local community college or online program. This will show that you are capable of handling rigorous coursework and have continued to pursue your education after obtaining your GED.

3. Extracurricular Involvement: Schools like Harvard value applicants with proven leadership abilities and a passion for their chosen field. Pursue extracurriculars related to your areas of interest, and try to obtain leadership positions in those activities. Additionally, seek out internships or research opportunities to showcase your dedication to your intended field of study.

4. Strong Application Essays: Write compelling and unique essays that highlight your personal story, experiences, and interests. Instead of focusing on your GED, use the essay to showcase your strengths and what unique perspective you would bring to the Harvard community.

5. Letters of Recommendation: Ask for letters of recommendation from individuals who can speak to your academic abilities, work ethic, and character. These letters can help compensate for the absence of a traditional high school transcript.

Remember that Harvard uses a holistic admissions process, so they'll be considering all aspects of your application when making their decision. It certainly won't be easy to get accepted with a GED, but it is possible with strong supporting materials that demonstrate your potential as an exceptional scholar.

Best of luck!

8 months ago

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