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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Need help with Personal Insight Questions

Hey guys! I'm currently working on the Personal Insight Questions for my college applications, and I'm getting a bit stuck. Can anyone share examples of how they answered these questions or some tips on how to approach them? Much appreciated!

a year ago

Hey! I'm happy to give you some advice on approaching the Personal Insight Questions (PIQs) for your college applications. Remember, the goal of these questions is to give the admissions committee insight into who you are as a person and what makes you unique. Here are some tips, along with a general content example:

1. Be authentic: Make sure your answers reflect your true self. Admissions officers can often tell if you're not being genuine.

2. Brainstorm: Make a list of experiences, accomplishments, traits, and specific stories that define you. Then, see which of those elements can be used to answer each PIQ.

3. Focus on the details: Personal anecdotes can be very powerful in your PIQs. They can show your character, growth, and how you interact with the world around you.

4. Think about the takeaways: What do you want admissions officers to learn about you? Make sure they can walk away from your answer with a better understanding of who you are, what you value, and the experiences that have shaped you.

Content example:

Imagine one of the PIQs asks you how you've demonstrated leadership during high school. You could discuss how you became captain of your debate team and the steps you took to empower team members and improve overall performance.

Be sure to share specific examples: perhaps you organized weekly workshops to help your team improve their argumentative skills, or you volunteered to mentor new members to improve retention rates. You could also discuss challenges that you faced and how you overcame them to create a more cohesive and successful team.

Remember to keep your responses focused, genuine, and reflective of your own experiences. Best of luck with your Personal Insight Questions!

a year ago

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