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Talking about eating disorders in college essays?

Hey everyone, I've struggled with an eating disorder in the past and it's been a significant part of my life. Is it okay to write about it in my college essay? I don't want to risk being seen as 'too personal' or oversharing, but it's played a big role in my growth. Thoughts?

a year ago

Hello! It's understandable that you might be unsure about discussing such a sensitive topic in your college essay. While it is certainly possible to write about an eating disorder, it's important to consider the way you approach the subject. Admissions officers appreciate honesty and personal growth stories, but you should focus on the lessons you learned, how you overcame the obstacle, and more importantly, how this experience has shaped you as a person.

When writing about your eating disorder, avoid graphic details about your darkest moments, as this might make the admissions reader uncomfortable. Instead, discuss how you sought help, how the experience changed your perspective on self-care and wellness, or how it led you to advocate for mental health awareness in your community.

Additionally, keep the essay focused on the positive aspects of your recovery, personal development, or involvement in helping others. Remember, the goal is to paint a picture of who you are as a person and a potential community member at the college you're applying to.

In summary, you can write about your eating disorder in your college essay, as long as you approach the topic thoughtfully, focus on the positive aspects, and avoid oversharing. Good luck with your application!

a year ago

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