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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Brandeis Supplemental Essays for Class of 2023/2024

Hey guys, I'm working on my Brandeis application, and I'm curious if anyone has advice about writing their supplemental essays for the class of 2023/2024? Are there any topics or themes I should focus on to make a strong impression on the admissions officers?

8 months ago

When writing your Brandeis supplemental essays, it's essential to focus on what sets the university apart from other schools and emphasize your personal connection to their values. CollegeVine has an article breaking down the Brandeis prompts, which you can find here: https://blog.collegevine.com/how-to-write-the-brandeis-university-essays

Remember that the purpose of the supplemental essays is for the admissions officers to get a better understanding of who you are, beyond your grades and test scores. Demonstrate your enthusiasm for the university, and don't be afraid to discuss how your experiences, values, and aspirations align with Brandeis ideals.

Best of luck with your application!

8 months ago

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