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What are some cool competitions for high schoolers?

Hey everyone! I'm looking for some competitions to participate in during my junior year. Can y'all share some good ones related to STEM fields, especially computer science and engineering? Thanks in advance!

8 months ago

Hello! It's great that you're looking to participate in competitions during your junior year. Competitions can provide excellent opportunities to expand your knowledge, showcase your skills, and make connections with like-minded people. Here are a few STEM-related competitions that focus on computer science and engineering:

1. USA Computing Olympiad (USACO): USACO is one of the most prestigious programming competitions in the United States. Participants solve algorithmic problems through their coding skills. There are four difficulty levels: bronze, silver, gold, and platinum, allowing students to progress and improve.

2. FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC): FRC is an international high school robotics competition where students design, build, and program robots to compete in various tasks. Teams work together, combining engineering, programming, and strategy to succeed.

3. American Computer Science League (ACSL): ACSL offers a series of contests throughout the year, focusing on computer science topics like programming, algorithms, and computer-related mathematics. Students can compete individually or as part of a team.

4. CyberPatriot: This national youth cyber education program aims to inspire students towards careers in cybersecurity and other STEM fields. In the competition, teams navigate through real-life cybersecurity vulnerabilities in virtual environments, solving challenges and learning valuable skills along the way.

5. Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF): ISEF is the world's largest international pre-college science competition. Students can participate in multiple categories, including computer science and engineering. This fair is meant for students with independent research projects.

6. VEX Robotics Competition: In this competition, teams of students design and build robots to compete in various challenges. With a focus on teamwork, problem-solving, and engineering skills, VEX offers a great experience for those interested in robotics and engineering.

For some more opportunities, check out this CollegeVine article: https://blog.collegevine.com/8-stem-competitions-for-high-schoolers/

These are just a sampling of the many competitions available for high school students interested in STEM fields. Research these options further to determine which ones align best with your interests and abilities. Best of luck with your competitions!

8 months ago

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