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BS/MD interview questions?

Hi guys! I've got a BS/MD program interview coming up and I'm kinda nervous about it. Can anyone help me out with some typical questions they might ask, or any tips on how to prepare for the big day? Thanks a bunch!

8 months ago

Hello! Congrats on landing the BS/MD program interview! Here are some common questions and tips to prepare for your interview:

Questions they might ask:

1. Why do you want to pursue a career in medicine?

2. What has been your most significant experience with healthcare so far?

3. How have your volunteering, community service, or research experiences shaped your interest in medicine?

4. Why do you think our BS/MD program is the right fit for you?

5. What are your long-term goals as a medical professional?

6. Can you share one challenge you have faced and how you overcame it?

7. How do you plan to balance the academic demands of a combined medical program?

8. What are your thoughts on current healthcare issues, such as healthcare policies or bioethics?

9. What do you do for fun and how do you manage stress?

Tips to prepare:

1. Do thorough research on the specific BS/MD program and school. Be ready to explain why that program is a great fit for you, considering factors like curriculum, mentorship, faculty, and resources.

2. Reflect on your personal experiences related to healthcare, community service, and research. Be able to discuss how each experience has influenced your interest in medicine and made you a stronger candidate for this program.

3. Brush up on current healthcare issues and form opinions on various topics, such as healthcare policies, ethical considerations, and medical advancements. This helps demonstrate your interest in the field and showcases your ability to think critically about these topics.

4. Prepare for behavioral questions by having a few anecdotes at the ready about challenges you've faced, teamwork experiences, or times you demonstrated leadership skills.

5. Practice your answers out loud to sharpen your communication skills and build your confidence for the interview. Engage with a friend, family member, or mentor who can give you constructive feedback.

6. Finally, be genuine and allow your personality to shine through. Don't be afraid to share your interests outside of the medical field, as interviewers appreciate well-rounded and authentic candidates.

Best of luck with your interview, and remember to stay calm, confident, and be yourself!

8 months ago

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