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Emory Acceptance Rate for ED Applicants

Hey, I'm considering applying Early Decision to Emory University, but I can't seem to find reliable, recent information on their ED acceptance rate. Does anyone from previous cycles want to weigh in on the competitiveness of Emory's ED admission? Any insights would be appreciated!

a year ago

It's important to remember that ED acceptance rates fluctuate from year to year and can be influenced by numerous factors, including the school's overall pool of applicants, the specific demographics of applicants in the early decision pool, and their targeted admitted class size. That being said, their historical trends can provide some insight.

Emory's overall acceptance rate in the 2022-2023 academic year was around 16%. Their Early Decision acceptance rate was 25.5% ( Applying Early Decision does typically give a boost to your chances for many selective universities.

This boost is mainly due to the advantages of demonstrated interest and commitment to attending the school, as well as the yield benefits for the college since ED applicants are required to matriculate if accepted.

While applying ED may increase your chances, remember that Emory, as an excellent school, is competitive and focuses on holistic admissions, which means they'll evaluate your entire application, not just your early decision status.

Pay close attention to the elements that make up a strong application, including academic performance, standardized test scores (if you're submitting them), essays, extracurricular activities, and letters of recommendation.

Good luck with your application!

a year ago

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