I've heard people saying that electrical engineering is one of, if not the hardest major out there. Can someone who's experienced it or knows someone who has, confirm or debunk this?
I think it's important to remember that the difficulty of a major is subjective and can vary depending on the individual's strengths, interests, and experiences. That said, electrical engineering is known to be challenging due to the complex nature of the subject matter, which often involves advanced mathematics, physics, and programming.
It is essential to have a strong foundation and aptitude in these areas to grasp the concepts, apply the theories, and solve the problems that are common in electrical engineering coursework. The coursework might also require long hours of focused study, lab work, and group projects, which can be extremely demanding. Some people might find electrical engineering harder than other majors due to their background, learning style, or personal interests.
However, it's worth noting that there are many other majors that might be considered "hard" depending on who you ask. For example, majors like chemical engineering, computer science, physics, and mathematics can also be very challenging. In the end, the difficulty of a major varies depending on the individual and their passion for the subject. If you're genuinely interested in electrical engineering and motivated to embrace the challenges, you may find the major manageable and even enjoyable. So try taking an introductory course in the subject or getting some hands-on experience to see if it's a good fit for you.
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