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Caltech Essays That Worked

Hey, guys! I'm in the process of writing my essays for Caltech and was wondering if there are any examples online of essays that actually got accepted into Caltech? I could use some inspiration and guidance from students who managed to get in!

a year ago

Hello! It's great to see you're working on your Caltech essays. While there's no definitive source of "successful essays" that got accepted into Caltech specifically, there are resources that can offer guidance and inspiration.

First, I would recommend looking at Caltech's admissions page, as they often provide guidance and context for what they're looking for in their essays. This will help you understand the values and qualities they seek in their applicants, and you can then tailor your essays accordingly.

Next, you can read example essays that have gotten students into other top-tier colleges. While these essays may not be specific to Caltech, they can still give you some perspective on what successful essays look like in terms of style, structure, and content. Forums and educational websites are great places to find these examples, just remember to not plagiarize or directly mimic any of them; your essay should be a reflection of your personal experiences and personality.

In terms of content, try connecting your essay to what excites you about Caltech's specific programs, research opportunities, and community culture. Be genuine about who you are and what you can contribute to their community. Additionally, try to demonstrate your passion for STEM subjects and showcase how you've gone above and beyond in your pursuit of scientific discovery or innovation.

Lastly, don't forget to proofread and revise your essays meticulously. A well-polished essay leaves a good impression on the admissions committee and can help elevate your application.

Remember, there's no specific formula or template for successful college essays, as it's largely about telling your unique story and showcasing your personal qualities in a compelling, authentic manner. Good luck with your essays and your application to Caltech!

a year ago

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