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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the GPA equivalent of an 87 average?

Hey guys! My school calculates our averages on a 100-point system, and my average is an 87. I'm not quite sure how to convert that to a 4.0 GPA, and I know that's what most colleges use. What is the equivalent 4.0 GPA for an 87? I'd really appreciate some guidance!

a year ago

Hello! To convert your 100-point average to a 4.0 GPA, you'll typically use the following scale:

- A+ (97-100) = 4.0

- A (93-96) = 4.0

- A- (90-92) = 3.7

- B+ (87-89) = 3.3

- B (83-86) = 3.0

- B- (80-82) = 2.7

- C+ (77-79) = 2.3

- C (73-76) = 2.0

- C- (70-72) = 1.7

- D+ (67-69) = 1.3

- D (65-66) = 1.0

- F (below 65) = 0.0

With an 87 average, you would fall into the B+ range, which corresponds to a 3.3 GPA on the standard 4.0 scale. Keep in mind that different schools might have slightly different conversion scales, but this is a good general estimation. If you want to get a general sense of which schools you'd be a competitive applicant at, you can find a list of colleges that regularly accept applicants with a 3.3 GPA on CollegeVine's blog:

When applying to colleges, other factors will be considered, like your test scores (if you're submitting them), extracurricular activities, and essays, but the GPA is weighted heavily and so this list is a good baseline for you. If, on the other hand, you want to see how your overall profile stacks up at one particular school, consider checking out CollegeVine's free chancing engine, which factors in all elements of your profile:

Best of luck with your college journey!

a year ago

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