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Internships as volunteer hours?

I've been looking into some internships for the summer, and I was wondering if they can count towards my required volunteer hours for school. Have any of you had experiences with this, or know someone who has? I'd appreciate any info or advice!

a year ago

It's fantastic that you're considering internships for the summer! Internship experiences can be incredibly valuable for personal and professional growth. In terms of having those internships count towards your required volunteer hours for school, it really depends on the specific internship and your school's requirements.

Generally, if the internship is unpaid and with a non-profit organization, there's a good chance that it could count towards your volunteer hours. However, if the internship is paid or with a for-profit company, it might not be eligible to count as volunteering.

To make sure the internship you're considering can count towards your required hours, I'd recommend reaching out to your school's guidance counselor or whoever oversees the volunteer hour requirements. They can provide the necessary information and clarify whether or not the internship will count. Also, it's a good idea to ask for pre-approval before starting the internship to ensure there won't be any issues later on when you're trying to get credit for the hours.

Remember, internships can offer valuable work experience and networking opportunities, so even if they don't count as volunteer hours, they are still worth considering for personal growth and future career prospects.

a year ago

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