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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Self-reporting grades on the Common App?

Hi everybody! I wanted to ask for some advice about self-reporting grades on the Common App. What's the process like and should I report all my classes, even those from freshman year? Also, can I just report my GPA? Thanks in advance for your help!

a year ago

Hi there! Self-reporting grades on the Common App is relatively straightforward. You'll be asked to provide your grades for each course you've taken during your high school career, including freshman year classes. It's important to include all your classes, as colleges want to see a complete academic record to better understand your performance over the years.

When inputting your grades, make sure you have your transcript handy so you can accurately report your course titles, the course level (e.g., regular, honors, AP), and the grade received (usually either letter grade or numerical). Reporting your GPA alone wouldn't be sufficient, as it doesn't provide colleges with the full context of your academic achievements, such as course rigor and individual performance in different subjects.

Keep in mind that for many colleges, you'll still need to send in your official transcript, either during the application process or after being admitted. The self-reported grades on the Common App help the admissions officers get a quick snapshot of your academic performance before they receive your official transcript. So, it's essential that the information you provide is both accurate and complete.

Good luck with your application!

a year ago

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