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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Do Princeton interviews matter?

Hi! I'm applying to Princeton and scored an interview. How important is the interview in the overall admission process? Does it hold significant weight or is it just a formality?

a year ago

Hello! Congratulations on getting an interview with Princeton! While interviews can play a role in the admissions process, they are not usually the deciding factor for admission. Interviews help in gaining a more complete understanding of an applicant's personality, strengths, and potential contributions to the campus community, which can help support your application.

That being said, interviews are generally considered as supplementary information to your application and don't hold substantial weight compared to other aspects like your academic performance, essays, extracurricular activities, and recommendations.

Nonetheless, you should take the interview seriously and view it as an opportunity to reinforce your strengths and express your interest in Princeton. Prepare by researching the school, reflecting on your experiences, and practicing answering common interview questions.

Take the time to showcase your passions, goals, and how Princeton aligns with them. This can leave a positive impression on your interviewer and potentially help advocate for you during the decision-making process.

In summary, while the interview may not significantly impact your admission chances, it remains essential for you to perform well and demonstrate your suitability for Princeton. Good luck!

a year ago

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