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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

What's the role of Duke advisors?

Hey everyone! So I'm strongly considering applying to Duke and I was wondering about the role of advisors there. Can anyone share any information about how Duke advisors help students? Are they truly supportive and proactive, or more on the passive side?

a year ago

Hello! Duke University places great importance on its advising system as student success, both academically and personally, is a top priority. Advisors at Duke generally play a proactive and supportive role in guiding students through their college journey. They help in various aspects such as course selections, research opportunities, internship guidance, and connecting students to valuable resources on campus. However, keep in mind that each advisor may have a unique approach, so experiences can vary between students.

When you enter Duke, you'll be assigned a faculty advisor from the Academic Advising Center (AAC), who will guide you throughout your first two years. During this time, your advisor will help you understand academic policies, explore majors, and help you make informed decisions in choosing classes that align with your interests and goals.

Once you declare a major, you will be assigned a major advisor who specializes in your field of study. This advisor will provide more in-depth assistance tailored to your specific major and career aspirations, such as suggesting relevant research or internship opportunities. Additionally, they can provide guidance on post-graduation plans, such as pursuing graduate studies or entering the workforce.

Moreover, if you are a part of any special interest programs like pre-med or pre-law, you'll have access to specialized advisors who can guide you through the requirements and expectations.

To get the most out of your advising experience, it's important to be proactive in reaching out to your advisor and maintaining regular communication. Don't hesitate to schedule meetings, seek out advice, and discuss your academic and personal goals with them. Advisors at Duke are generally supportive and proactive, but a strong advisory relationship also heavily depends on your initiative and engagement.

Good luck with your college application process, and I hope this information helps you in understanding the role of advisors at Duke University!

a year ago

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