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SAT: 720 math
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Choosing the right activities club in high school

Hey, I'm having a hard time deciding which activities or clubs I want to join in high school. What are some good clubs for building my college resume and meeting new people? Any recommendations would be awesome!

a year ago

First and foremost, you'll want to focus on finding clubs and activities that align with your interests and passions. While joining clubs to enhance your college resume is a good strategy, it's also crucial that you genuinely enjoy and engage in these activities to make the most of your experience.

To explore a range of interests, consider joining clubs from different categories, such as:

1. Academics: Clubs like Math Club, Science Olympiad, or Debate Team allow you to challenge yourself academically and collaborate with like-minded peers in pursuit of common goals.

2. Arts & Creative: If you enjoy expressing yourself through art, music, or writing, consider joining clubs like the school newspaper, Drama Club, Art Club, or Photography Club.

3. Community Service: Joining clubs focused on volunteer work and community outreach, such as Key Club, Interact Club, or even starting your own local service initiative, is an excellent way to give back while broadening your social circle.

4. Leadership: Clubs like Student Council or Model United Nations provide opportunities to develop leadership skills, network with others, and potentially make a direct impact on your school or community.

5. Intramural Sports: If you aren't pursuing a varsity sport, intramural sports can be a great way to stay active and make new friends in a more relaxed environment.

Once you've explored your options, try to select clubs that fit into different tiers of extracurriculars (Tier 1 being the most impactful and rare, Tier 4 being the most common). Aim to have a mix of Tier 1-3 clubs to demonstrate both depth and breadth in your involvement.

Ultimately, it's essential to prioritize quality over quantity and fully commit to a few clubs, rather than spreading yourself too thin across multiple. By doing so, you'll have a better chance of assuming a leadership role, building meaningful connections, and pursuing meaningful projects. Good luck in finding the clubs that resonate with you best!

a year ago

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