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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Do waitlisted students get financial aid and scholarships?

Hey friends, quick question: if I get waitlisted at a college, does that also mean I'll have a shot at receiving financial aid or scholarships? I'm concerned about being able to afford college, so any insight would be super helpful!

8 months ago

Hello! It's totally understandable that affordability is a concern when it comes to college. To answer your question, yes, waitlisted students can still receive financial aid and scholarships. However, it's essential to keep in mind that the availability of aid and scholarships might vary by the time you're accepted off the waitlist.

Most colleges try to put together financial aid packages for waitlisted students that are similar to the packages offered to regularly admitted students. Need-based aid is typically still available, as colleges tend to reserve funds for these cases. However, merit-based aid and scholarships can be more limited for waitlisted students, as many of these awards might have already been allocated to students who were admitted during the regular decision process.

If you're accepted off the waitlist, be sure to communicate with the college's financial aid office as soon as possible to discuss your financial aid options and what funds may be available to you. Additionally, it's a good idea to keep looking for external scholarships and grants, both during your waitlist period and after acceptance, to help cover any potential gap in funding.

Good luck, and I hope you receive good news from the waitlist!

8 months ago

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