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List of Early Decision 2 schools for 2023-2024?

I know that some colleges have an ED2 option. Does anyone have an updated list of schools that offer Early Decision 2 for the upcoming application cycle? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Here's a list of some popular colleges and universities that offer Early Decision 2 (ED2) for the 2023-2024 application cycle. Keep in mind that this list is not exhaustive and I'd recommend double-checking the college websites for the most accurate and updated information.

1. Amherst College

2. Bowdoin College

3. Brandeis University

4. Carleton College

5. Claremont McKenna College

6. Colby College

7. Colgate University

8. Colorado College

9. Davidson College

10. Emory University

11. Grinnell College

12. Hamilton College

13. Harvey Mudd College

14. Haverford College

15. Kenyon College

16. Lehigh University

17. Macalester College

18. Middlebury College

19. Mount Holyoke College

20. New York University

21. Northeastern University

22. Pomona College

23. Reed College

24. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

25. Rhodes College

26. Scripps College

27. Skidmore College

28. Smith College

29. Swarthmore College

30. Trinity College

31. Tufts University

32. University of Chicago

33. University of Richmond

34. Vassar College

35. Wake Forest University

36. Washington University in St. Louis

37. Wellesley College

38. Wesleyan University

39. Whitman College

Again, this list may not cover every institution offering ED2, but it's a good starting point. Don't hesitate to reach out to the admissions offices of specific colleges you're interested in to confirm their ED policies. Good luck with your applications!

a year ago

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