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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does common app use 9-12 or 10-12 GPA?

Hey everyone! I've noticed that my school calculates two different GPAs: one including 9th grade (9-12) and another excluding it (10-12). Which one will the common app ask for, and which one do colleges typically consider?

8 months ago

Hey there! The Common App typically asks for your cumulative GPA, which usually includes grades from all four years of high school (9-12). However, the way colleges consider your GPA can vary. Most colleges will look at your 9-12 GPA to get a comprehensive understanding of your academic performance throughout high school, as well as the level of rigor in the courses you took, any improvements in your grades, and other relevant factors.

That being said, some colleges may give more weight to grades from 10th-12th, as these years are often seen as more representative of your academic capabilities. In this case, they might put less emphasis on your 9th-grade performance, especially if your grades improved later in high school.

It's crucial to check each college's specific requirements and policies to ensure you have a clear understanding of how they evaluate GPAs. Nonetheless, when it comes to the Common App, it's a good idea to include your full 9-12 GPA for colleges who want this information.

8 months ago

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