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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is it possible to update SAT scores after applying?

Hey guys, I've already submitted some of my college applications, but I recently took another SAT test and think I did better. Is it possible to update my SAT scores after applying? How would I go about doing that?

8 months ago

Congrats on your improved scores! To address your question, yes, it's possible to update your SAT scores after applying. Most colleges are open to receiving updated test scores during the application evaluation process. To update your scores, follow these steps:

1. Wait for your new SAT scores to be officially released by the College Board. Make sure to check the score release dates to have an idea of when they'll be available.

2. Once your scores are available, log in to your College Board account and send the new score report to the colleges you have applied to. Remember that sending SAT scores might come with a fee, so check College Board's website for any fees associated.

3. Contact the admissions offices of the colleges you've applied to and let them know that you've sent an updated SAT score report. It's a good idea to provide them with your application ID, full name, and date of birth to help them easily locate your application. Inquire if there's any additional information or action required on your part.

Keep in mind that updating your scores may have a limited impact on your application if colleges have already begun evaluating it. However, it's always worth updating since a higher score could potentially strengthen your overall profile. Good luck!

8 months ago

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