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Looking for document based question essay examples

Yo! I have a DBQ essay due soon and I'm trying to find some high-quality examples to guide me in writing. Which websites or resources do y'all recommend to find good DBQ essay examples that I can use for guidance?

a year ago

Hello! It's a smart move to look for quality examples as a way to improve your own DBQ essay. Here are a few resources that can provide you with DBQ essay examples:

1. College Board: Head over to the College Board website, which frequently offers sample DBQ essays and prompts from past AP exams. These examples are written by high school students and are often graded with feedback, which can be very helpful in understanding what makes a strong DBQ essay.

2. Teacher websites: Many teachers post DBQ essay examples from their own students on their class websites or blogs. Try searching for student essays from Advanced Placement teachers in history or other subjects related to your own assignment.

3. CollegeVine: CollegeVine contains numerous resources to help students, including advice on essay writing and sample essays. Visit their website and check if they have any DBQ essay examples that cater to your needs. Here is an example of a blog post on DBQs:

4. Khan Academy: While it's primarily known for its lessons in subjects like math and science, Khan Academy also provides resources for SAT essay writing, which could help you with the structure and planning of your DBQ essay, even though the content may differ.

Remember, these examples should be used only for guidance and inspiration, but it's crucial to not copy from them. Focus on understanding the structure, organization, and content that make these essays standout, then apply what you've learned while writing your own unique DBQ essay.

Good luck on your assignment!

a year ago

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