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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Judi Robinovitz and College Admissions

Hey everyone, I've come across this person named Judi Robinovitz online, but I'm not sure what she might have to offer. Can someone please tell me more about her and her relevance to the college admissions process?

8 months ago

Hey! Judi Robinovitz is a well-known private admissions counselor with years of experience in the field of college admissions. She was an educational consultant and founded her own college consulting company, "Score at the Top Learning Centers & Schools."

Judi Robinovitz holds an extensive background in college admissions, including being an admissions officer at multiple selective universities like Harvard and Princeton. She has also been involved in developing admissions policies and procedures for these schools. As a result, she has valuable insights into the admissions process, which she shares with students through her consulting work.

Her services include helping students identify the right colleges for them, offering guidance for strengthening their applications, providing essay editing (with a focus on creating compelling and unique narratives tailored to each school), test prep advice, and interview preparation.

However, remember that private admissions counseling can be expensive, and there are numerous other resources available, such as CollegeVine - an online platform offering more affordable and comprehensive support for students throughout the college admissions process. Nonetheless, Judi Robinovitz's expertise could be helpful to some students, particularly those looking for individualized attention and guidance in navigating the complex and competitive world of college admissions.

8 months ago

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