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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Harvard's Diversity

I've been looking into Harvard and I'm curious about how diverse the student population is. Does anyone know the demographic breakdown or have any experiences to share about student diversity at Harvard?

a year ago

Harvard has a diverse student body, with students coming from various ethnic, geographic, and socioeconomic backgrounds. I'll provide a general breakdown below, but keep in mind these figures can change every year as new classes are admitted.

Based on the latest information available from their 2022-2023 Common Data Set, Harvard's demographic breakdown is approximately as follows:

- 34% White

- 22% Asian

- 12% Hispanic or Latino

- 9% Black or African American

- 2% Native American, Alaska Native or Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander

- 7% Two or more races

In addition to race and ethnicity, Harvard also has a healthy mix of international students, with around 14% of the student body coming from outside the United States, representing over 150 different countries.

Socioeconomic diversity is also notable at Harvard, as they have a robust financial aid program. Around 55% of Harvard undergraduate students receive need-based financial aid, and for families earning less than $65,000 per year, tuition is free.

From students' experiences, it's evident that Harvard's diverse community encourages discussions from different perspectives and fosters an inclusive environment. Various cultural, minority, and affinity groups also help promote diversity and offer unique opportunities for engagement among students.

a year ago

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