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AP World History vs. AP Human Geography: Difficulty?

Hello! I need help figuring out whether to take AP World History or AP Human Geography. Can anyone who has taken both share their thoughts on which class is more difficult?

8 months ago

Hello! I've taken both AP World History and AP Human Geography, so I can give you some insight into their difficulty levels. Keep in mind that difficulty can vary depending on your interests and strengths, as well as the specific teaching styles at your school.

AP World History covers a broad range of topics, including political, social, and economic developments throughout world history. The course can be more challenging due to the sheer volume of material covered, and it demands strong memorization skills, as well as the ability to compare and contrast different historical events and trends. The exam tests not only your knowledge of specific facts and events, but also your ability to analyze sources and write analytical essays.

On the other hand, AP Human Geography focuses on the study of human societies and their interactions with the physical environment. This course is generally considered to be slightly easier than AP World History because it is less content-heavy, and focuses more on understanding concepts and geographic processes rather than memorizing historical facts. However, the course still requires analytical thinking and strong reading comprehension skills in order to interpret maps, charts, and graphs, as well as the ability to apply these concepts to real-world situations.

Ultimately, the difficulty level of each course will depend on your personal strengths, interests, and the quality of instruction at your school. If you enjoy learning about the human side of history and are good at retaining a lot of information, you might find AP World History more manageable. On the other hand, if you prefer exploring how human societies interact with their environments and how these interactions shape broader patterns, AP Human Geography might be a better fit for you.

8 months ago

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