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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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National Youth Leadership Forum Medicine Experience?

Hey everyone! I've been looking into the National Youth Leadership Forum (NYLF) Medicine program and I was wondering if any of you have participated in it. What were your experiences like? How beneficial do you think NYLF Medicine was in your college admissions process or for your future careers in medicine?

a year ago

Hello! I've seen a few friends participate in the NYLF Medicine program and they reported mixed experiences. Some enjoyed the networking opportunities, hands-on workshops, and exposure to different medical fields. They also appreciated the chance to visit college campuses and medical institutions, which helped them better understand the environment they might encounter in their future careers.

On the downside, the program can be quite expensive, and some students reported that the experience didn't stand out significantly in their college applications. In fact, some top colleges may not be impressed by NYLF Medicine on your application because it's a pay-to-attend program rather than a highly selective one.

As for its impact on your future medical career, participating in NYLF Medicine might help solidify your interest in the field and provide you with a foundational understanding of various medical careers. However, it's not a requirement for pursuing a career in medicine or gaining admission to a top medical school.

If you're looking for alternatives, consider shadowing a healthcare professional, volunteering at a hospital or clinic, or applying to more selective summer programs that deal with medicine and healthcare. Keep in mind that your involvement in long-term extracurricular activities, commitment towards the medical field, and good academic performance will be more important factors in both college admissions and your future medical career.

a year ago

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