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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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High School Math: How many years do I need?

Hi all! I'm trying to plan my high school course load and I'm wondering, how many years of math should I take in high school to meet most colleges' requirements or make my application competitive? Thanks in advance!

8 months ago

Hi there! Most colleges typically recommend or expect applicants to complete at least three years of math in high school. However, for more competitive schools, taking four years of math is strongly recommended to be seen as a well-prepared applicant. This usually includes courses like Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and at least one advanced course such as Pre-Calculus or Calculus.

It's important to consider the colleges you're interested in applying to and research their specific requirements. You may find that the schools you're aiming for require more advanced courses or have specific expectations for applicants in terms of math classes. Additionally, if you're planning to major in a math-related field such as engineering, computer science, or a natural science, having a strong foundation in math will be crucial. In this case, you should definitely aim to take four years of math courses in high school.

8 months ago

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