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Boston University vs. Northeastern?

I've been accepted to both BU and Northeastern and I'm having a hard time deciding between them. Can you guys give me some pros and cons of each school, and maybe some personal experiences? Any input would help me a lot!

a year ago

Congratulations on your acceptances! Here are some pros and cons for both universities to help you make a decision.

Boston University (BU):


1. Prestige: BU has a higher overall ranking and stronger international reputation.

2. Campus: BU has a more urban, linear campus along Commonwealth Avenue, integrating the campus into the broader city.

3. Diversity: BU has a diverse range of students from across the U.S. and around the world.

4. Research opportunities: BU is a major research institution with many opportunities for undergrads to get involved in research projects.

5. Programs: BU has strong programs in a variety of disciplines, including communications, business, and engineering.


1. Cost: BU is generally known for having a higher sticker price and offering less financial aid than Northeastern.

2. Size: BU has a larger undergraduate population, so classes may be larger, especially during your first two years.

3. Campus layout: The linear campus may be less appealing for some students, as it can feel stretched out and less like a typical campus environment.

Northeastern University (NEU):


1. Co-op program: Northeastern has a robust and well-regarded co-op program that pairs students with companies for internships during their college years to gain real-world work experience.

2. Financial aid: Northeastern is known for offering more merit and need-based financial aid than BU.

3. Campus: NEU has a more traditional and centralized campus located in the Fenway area of Boston.

4. Specialized programs: NEU has strong programs in engineering, computer science, and business.


1. Rankings: Though NEU has been rising in the rankings, it is still not as prestigious as BU, especially internationally.

2. Campus life: Due to the co-op program, the campus has a more transient feel as students come and go.

3. Flexibility: The co-op program often leads to a more rigid academic schedule, and it may be more challenging to change majors or fit in study abroad experiences.

Personal experiences will vary, but students at both universities have reported enjoying their time at each institution. It's essential to reflect on what matters most to you and also consider visiting both campuses to get a sense of which environment you prefer. Additionally, researching specific majors and programs at each university may help you further narrow down your choice. Good luck with your decision!

a year ago

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